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June 05 – KLANG! électroacoustique 2024 – Salle Molière opéra comédie Montpellier (France)

Tocatta pedragosa, by KLANG! acousmonium.

May 12 – Notation:Mutation – Kyoto City University of Arts

No Time Too Loose (premiere), by Rossetta Art Collective.

January 04 – Nocturna Discordia #367, Noche del Unreal Book (antistandards) – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Reds for Aliens (premiere), by Edu Pons (b. clar/sop. sax), Liba Villavecchia (alto sax), Pablo Volt (trpt.), Vasco Trilla (bat.), Diego Caicedo (elctr. guit.), Alex Reviriego (cb.) and El Pricto (mod. synth and conduction). 


November 21 – Sindicato de altavoces – Sala polivalent, UPF Poblenou (Barcelona)

Per camins salvatges (Circular Lifeforms 1), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

October 07 – Encontres Electroacústics, Territori ACA – Fundació ACA (Búger)

Tocatta pedragosa (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.


December 18 – Encontres Electroacústics, Territori ACA – Fundació ACA (Búger)

Invisible Teler Infinit (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

October 22 – Nuit#Couchée, Sampler Series – Arts Santa Mónica (Barcelona)

Viatge cap el buit (premiere), by Ensemble0.

October 15 – Festival LEM – Església de la Virreina (Barcelona)

L'alè dels estels, by Joan Bagés (org.) and Francesc Llompart (assist.).

March 14 – El mago y la maga, XXI ciclo de música contemporánea de Málaga – Conservatorio Superior de Música de Málaga (Online concert)

Macar (collaboration with visual artist Carme Gomila).

January 07 – L'alè dels estels – Parròquia de Santa Maria de Maó (Menorca)

Unearthed Utterance, by Francesc Llompart (electr.)

L'alè dels estels (premiere), by Tomé Olives (org.), Oliver Vinent (assist.) and Francesc Llompart (electr. and assist.).

Coda estelar-espectral (premiere), by Francesc Llompart (org. and electr.).


December 18 – Encontres Electroacústics – Fundació ACA (Búger)

Nivulat nivulat, spat. by Francesc Llompart.

November 24 – Sindicato de altavoces – Sala polivalent, UPF Poblenou (Barcelona)

Genèse du coeur (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

June 19 – Illes d'art – Solleric (Palma de Mallorca)

Tangents vibratòries de l'espai (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.


December 20 – Encontre de Compositors, Territori ACA – Fundació ACA (Búger)

De temperatures i ordres, spat. by Francesc Llompart.

Unearthed Utterance, spat. by Francesc Llompart.

November 21 – Klangraum Festival – Kunstraum 34 (Stuttgard, online concert)

Tidying of the Tides (premiere), by Frank Wörner (barit.).

October 23 – Ciclo de Música Electroacústica UACh – Universidad Austral de Chile (online concert)

Nivulat nivulat.

February 14 (inauguration) – Exhibition “Natura: petjada i vincle” – Ca n'Oliver (Menorca)

Macar (collaboration with visual artist Carme Gomila)


October 18 – Festival Punto de Encuentro, "Variaciones desde Brnčić" – Centre Cultural SGAE (Valencia)

De temperatures i ordres.

May 18 – ME_MMIX Festival – Es Baluard (Palma de Mallorca)

Horizon of Memory (premiere), by Placa[Base]: Takao Hyakutome (vl.), Neus Estarellas (pno.), Mateu Malondra (electr.).


December 29 – Ars Sonora ("La AMEE les desea felices fiestas II") – Radio Clássica (Public radio broadcast, Spain)

Nivulat nivulat.

December 05 – Sindicato de altavoces – Sala polivalent, UPF Poblenou (Barcelona)

Nivulat nivulat (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

November 24 – MUSLAB Festival – Espacio Sonoro Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola (México City)

De temperatures i ordres (octofonic version).

May 20 – Forum Wallis Festival – Brig (Switzerland)

Three Strangers Melting Outside of Time, by Placa[Base].

April 06 – Pirineu-Mediterrània Modern Festival – Sala polivalent, UPF Poblenou (Barcelona)

Three Strangers Melting Outside of Time, by Placa[Base].



November 24 – Festival Ecos Urbanos – Escuela Superior de Música, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Coyoacán (Ciudad de México)

De temperatures i ordres (octofonic version).

November 13, 15 and 17 – OUA Electroacoustic Music Festival – Osaka

De temperatures i ordres (octofonic version).

November 03 – Zeppelin Festival – Teatre del CCCB (Barcelona)

Airborn (premiere), spat. by Lina Bautista (l'Orquestra del Caos).

October 05 – The Cutty Strange – WGXC 90.7FM (Radio broadcast, New York)

Critical Band - Chapter II: Synthesis and the Complexity of Sounds, Part I (premiere).

July 15 – Applause Music Festival – Fort Worth (Texas)

De temperatures i ordres (premiere of the stereo version).

July 05 – Sindicato de altavoces – Sala polivalent, UPF Poblenou (Barcelona)

L’exterior entre parets (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

June 22 – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival – Abrons Art Center (New York)

Three Strangers Melting Outside of Time (premiere), by Placa[Base].

April 06 – The Cutty Strange – WGXC 90.7FM (Radio broadcast, New York)

Critical Band - Chapter I: The act of Recording (premiere).

March 29 – Sindicato de altavoces – Sala polivalent, UPF Poblenou (Barcelona)

De temperatures i ordres (premiere of the octofonic version), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

February 21 – Improfest Festival – Centre Cultural Albareda (Barcelona)

Zipf! (premiere), by Discordian Community Ensemble.




October 28 – Zeppelin Festival – Teatre del CCCB (Barcelona)

Nerve (premiere), by l’Orquestra del Caos.

October 12 – Nocturna Discordia #90 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Love and Tensor Algebra, by Discordian Community Ensemble.


October 01 – TPK (L’Hospitalet)

Love and Tensor Algebra (premiere), by Discordian Community Ensemble.




October 03 – Fundació Reynolds (Maó)

Soliloqui en tres parts (premiere), by El Pricto (clar.) and Francesc Llompart (electr.).



July 08 – Espais Oberts – Catalunya Música (Radio broadcast, Catalonia)

Recomposicions II (Pupal Again) (premiere of the full piece).

Piece composed to represent the radio station "Catalunya Música" in the UER contest “Palma Ars Acústica”. Also broadcasted at different times by: Culture German Radio from Berlin, West Germany Radio from Cologne, Croatan Radio-television, Polish National Radio, Swedish National Radio, Czech Radio, Romania National Radio, Slovenia Radio-television and Portuguese Radio-television.


October 30 – Música electroacústica (l’Orquestra del Caos) – Hangar (Barcelona)

Construcció Salvatge (premiere), spat. by Francesc Llompart.

July 01 – Exhibition “11 canciones para Anita” – Hangar (Barcelona)

Habitació d’Ernst Mach


April 26 – Mixtur Festival – Fabra i Coats (Barcelona)

Recomposicions II (Pupal Again) (excerpt) (premiere).


April 19 – Esdeveniment de Sant Jordi – UB Fine Arts Faculty (Barcelona)

Acció sonora (Harmonització de la sala d’exposicions de la facultat de belles arts) (premiere).


February 15 – Exhibition“Somsonidoso” – Hangar (Barcelona)

Hangar (premiere).




November 25 – Encontre de Compositors Festival – Fundació ACA (Búger)

Construcció Fràgil (premiere), by Neoars Ensemble (fl. and pno.).




July 15 – Hilltown New Music Festival – Hilltown House (Hilltown, Irland)

Unearthed Utterance (premiere).

May 10 – L’Auditori (Barcelona)

Espais de canvis (premiere), by BCN216 (dir: Francesc Prat).


March 25 – Concert del Programa ARCE del Ministeri d'Educació – Club Información (Alacant)

Unser Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt, by Aula de Càmara del Conservatori Professional de Música de Menorca.

March 09 – Concert del Programa ARCE del Ministeri d'Educació – Teatre de l'Orfeó (Maó)

Unser Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt (premiere), by Aula de Càmara del Conservatori Professional de Música de Menorca.




June 27 – Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel (Basel)

(Crucifixión) (premiere), by Ensemble Phoenix (dir.: Jürg Henneberger).




April 11 – Recontres Internationales de Composition Musicale de Cergy-Pontoise – Theatre95 (Cergy-Pontoise, Paris)

Promenade aux frontières (premiere), by Orchestre Studio de Cergy-Pontoise (dir.: Andrée-Claude Brayer).




August 08 – Nocturna Discordia #398 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with El Pricto (modular synth) and Yeonathan Shachar (el. guit.).

August 01 – Nocturna Discordia #397 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Mariona Gòdia (ob. and c. angl.), Clara Torner (vc.) and Miguel Petruccelli (guit.).

May 30 – Nocturna Discordia #388 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Liba Villavecchia (alto sax) and Clara Torner (vc.).

April 28 – Goat Sessions – Coco y Pincel (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Flying Trees.



November 01 – Església de Sant Martí (Es Mercadal, Menorca)

Live electronics – Improvised soundtrack to "Urho", by Iván Torres, with Iván Torres (live electronics) and Oliver Vinent (Pipe organ).

October 13 – Burning Ambulance Music (discographic release)

Diego Caicedo – Seis amorfismos

Violin. Works by Diego Caicedo.


October 21 – Espai Ku (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Flying Trees + Matías Riquelme and Sebastián Vidal.

June 17 – Pristine Folds – L'automàtica (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with El Pricto (clar./sax.) and Gerard Altaió (objects).

January 16 – Goat Sessions – Restaurante Torres del Paine (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Flying Trees.

January 13 – Nocturna Discordia #275 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with João Braz (vc.) and Joan Torné (drums and electr.). 


December 14 – Discordian Records (discographic release)

Discordian Community Ensemble – Degenerative Music #2

Violin (impro). Conducted works by El Pricto.

December 05 – Dadiminauke (discographic release)

Flying Trees – Flying Trees

Violin (impro). Conducted by Sarah Claman.

October 21 – Nocturna Discordia #264 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, degenerative pieces by Haydn/El Pricto, with Jaime del Blanco (vln.), João Braz (vc.), Mariano Camarasa (vc.), Joan Torné (drums and electr.) and El Pricto (electr. and conduction). 

August 17 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear (drone/impro).

May 23 – Goat Sessions #5 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Flying Trees and Agustí Fernández.

April 25 – Goat Sessions #2 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Ferran Besalduch (sax.), Nicolas Dobson (vln.), Raimon Molà (pno.) and Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.).

February 23 – Discordian Records (discographic release)

Discordian Community Ensemble – Three Poems by Aleister Crowley/Tzim-tzum

Violin (impro). Conducted works by El Pricto.


April 05 – Discordian Records (discographic release)

Discordian Community Ensemble – Songs From The Unreal Book

Violin (impro). Conducted works by El Pricto.

January 12 – Girafa Sessions #42 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Live electronics – Impro, jam session with various artists.


December 06 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Sebastian Vidal (el. guit.) and Gabriel Millán (live coding).

October 18 – Flux Sessions #5 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Raimon Molà Fuster (pno.), Josefina Rozenwasser (bandoneón) and Melisa Bertossi (sax.).

September 01 – Discordian Bootlegs (discographic release)

Discordian Community Ensemble – Degenerative Music #1

Violin (impro). Conducted works by El Pricto.

July 05 – Poesia i +  – Casa Coll i Ragàs (Mataró)

Violin – Impro, with Pía Sommer (voice).

July 01 – Discordian Records (discographic release)

Discordian String Ensemble – Incerto for Doublebass and Strings

Violin (impro). Conducted works by El Pricto.

June 23 – Girafa Vermut – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Sarah Claman (vl.), Sebastian Vidal (el. guit.), Agustí Martínez (sax.), Ivan Edwards (sax.) and Nicolás Dobson (drums).

May 31 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear (drone/impro).

May 10 – Nit Sonhoras – Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear + Pía Sommer (drone/impro).

Februray 04 – Radio show "XperYmentaS" – Ràdio Ciutat Vella

Violin – Impro, with Miquel Jordà (sax., electr.) and Edu Circonite (electr.). 


December 20 – Transmissions – Convent de Sant Agustí (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – Impro ("Tres Intuicions") with Atzur (Carme Gomila (visuals) and Odile Carabantes (visuals)).

December 14 – Màgia Roja (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Discordian String Ensemble.

December 07 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Works by El Pricto (Antistandards from the Unreal Book), with Discordian Community Ensemble.

November 30 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Works by El Pricto (Antistandards from the Unreal Book), with Discordian Community Ensemble.

November 23 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Discordian String Ensemble.

November 16 – Girafa Sessions #22 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Ensemble LATA.

November 10 – Radical dB Festival – Etopía Centro de Arte y Tecnología (Zaragoza)

Violin – Impro, with Ensemble LATA.

Excerpts of the concert were presented in the radio show "La casa del sonido", in Radio Clássica (RTVE) in December 11.

October 19 – Girafa Sessions #21 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with João Silva (vl.) and Vicent Bombardí (bomb.).

September 27 – 23 Robadors

Violin – Impro, with Diego Caicedo (el. guit.), Tom Chant (sax.), Ángel Faraldo (feedbk.), Oriol Roca (perc.) and Pere Xirau (perc.).

September 14 – Girafa Sessions #20 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Ensemble LATA.

August 18 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin – With 44 (postrock).

August 15 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear (drone/impro).

July 06 – Hangar (Barcelona)

Max/MSP – With "·" (noise/impro)

July 04 – Nocturna Discordia #174 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Luiz Rocha (clar.), Sarah Claman (vln.), Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.) and Joni Sigil (bat.).

June 27 – Nocturna Discordia #173 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Degenerative Music, with Discordian Community Ensemble.

June 12  – Girafa Sessions #16 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – Impro, with Melisa Bertossi (sax.), João Braz (vc.) and Joni Sigil (bat.).

June 05  – Girafa Sessions #15 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Max/MSP – Impro, with Luiz Rocha (clar.), Diego Caicedo (el. guit.) and Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.).

May 26 – Mostra Audiovisual Beca Reynolds 2017 – Fundació Reynolds (Maó)

Violin and Max/MSP – Impro ("Tres Intuicions") with Atzur (Carme Gomila (visuals) and Odile Carabantes (visuals)).

May 22 – Girafa Sessions #13 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.) and Aldo Aranda (perc.).

May 20 – Cicle d'Art Sonor – La Destil·leria (Mataró)

Violin – Impro, solo.

May 12 – Magia Roja (Barcelona)

Violin – Works by El Pricto (Aiwass part 1 and pieces from the Unreal Book), with Discordian Community Ensemble.

April 17 – Girafa Sessions #8 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Sarah Claman (vln.) and João Braz (vc.).

March 09 – Improfest Festival – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Ensemble LATA.

February 20 – Girafa Sessions #2 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, solo.

February 07 – Nocturna Discordia #153 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, solo.

February 02 – La rubia del raval / (H)original (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear + Pía Sommer (drone/impro).

January 31 – Nocturna Discordia #152 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro and piece "Fear" by Enric Riu, with Ensemble LATA + Ferran Besalduch.


October 28 – Brucstock Festival – Can Serra (El Bruc)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear (drone/impro).

October 24 – Sinestesia (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Ensemble LATA.

September 29 – Centre Cultural Albareda (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro and piece "Karma" by Rodrigo Castellanos, with Ensemble LATA + Rodrigo Castellanos.

August 20 – Dadiminauke (discographic release)

Francesc Llompart / Sebastián Vidal – Outside of Now

Violin – Impro, with Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.).

August 16 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Meandering Tear (drone/impro).


May 28 – Cinema Zumzeig (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Ensemble LATA.


May 14 – Absenta del Raval (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.) and Francesco Rizzo (drums).

February 21 – Improfest Festival – Centre Cultural Albareda (Barcelona)

Violin – Works by El Pricto and Agustí Martínez, with Discordian Community Ensemble.


February 04 – Espai Terra (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Thalattengur (Meandering Tear) (drone/impro).


January 20 – Espai Niu (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Thalattengur (Meandering Tear) (drone/impro).




December 21 – Nocturna Discordia #100 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro with Luiz Rocha (clars.), Ivan Edwards (sax.),  El Pricto (sax.), Pope (trmpt.), Aram Montagut (tbo.), Diego Caicedo (el. guit.), Ferran Fages (el. guit.), Jordina Millá (pno.) and Marko Jelača (drums).

December 11 – Multiversal itinerant festival – Espai Terra (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro with Gabriel Millán (el. guit.), Luiz Rocha (bass clar.), Sebastián Vidal (el. guit.).


November 07 – Discordian Records (discographic release)

Discordian Community Ensemble – Contrast/Movement

Violin. Conducted works by Agustí Martínez and Owen Kilfeather.

October 29-30 – Brucstock Festival – Can Serra (El Bruc)

Violin and soundpainting – Impro with various ensembles.


October 12 – Nocturna Discordia #90 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro and works by El Pricto, Owen Kilfeather and Agustí Martínez, with Discordian Community Ensemble.


October 01 – TPK (L’Hospitalet)

Violin – Impro and works by El Pricto, Owen Kilfeather and Agustí Martínez, with Discordian Community Ensemble.


August 19 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin – With 44 (postrock).

August 18 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin and Max/MSP – With Kallisti (Meandering Tear) (drone/impro).

July 01 – Salamina (L’Hospitalet)

Violíin and Max/MSP – With Kallisti (Meandering Tear) (drone/impro).

June 04 – Màgia Roja (Barcelona)

Violin – “Theurgia Summa Goetia” by El Pricto, with Almudena Vega (fl.), Luiz Rocha (bass clar.), Eduard Ponsa (drums) and Armando J. Mantilla (voice).




November 10 – Nocturna Discordia #44 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Max/MSP – Impro and sound processing, with Almudena Vega (fl.), El Pricto (clar.), Sarah Claman (vl.) and Pau Sola (vc.).

October 03 – Fundació Reynolds (Maó)

Violin – Impro and works by El Pricto and Francesc Llompart, with El Pricto (clar.), Óliver Vinent  (vc.) and Marta Berraquero (pno.).

September 23 – Nocturna Discordia #40 – Soda Acústic (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro with El Pricto (clar.), Óliver Vinent  (vc.) and Marta Berraquero (pno.).

August 17 – Festa Major de Gràcia – Carrer Perill (Barcelona)

Violin – With 44 (postrock).

March 03 – Hangar (Barcelona)

Max/MSP – With EnsembleB (soundpainting).

February 28 – La Fundició del Poble Nou (Barcelona)

Max/MSP – With EnsembleB (soundpainting).

January 10 – Fabra i Coats (Barcelona)

Violin – With 44 (postrock).


Desember 11 – L’Automàtica (Barcelona)

Recitation – “Lecture on Nothing”, by John Cage, with José Manuel Berenguer (recit.), Jordi Salvado (recit.) and Clara Garí (recit.).


September 20 – Konvent (Berga)

Recitation – “Lecture on Nothing”, by John Cage, with José Manuel Berenguer (recit.), Jordi Salvado (recit.) and Clara Garí (recit.).


July 23 – Soundpainting Day – Conservatori de Bellaterra (Bellaterra)

Violin – With Wholgroup Play, various performers, and Walter Thompson (soundpainting).

June 06 – Casa Elizalde (Barcelona)

Recitation – “Lecture on Nothing”, by John Cage, with José Manuel Berenguer (recit.), Jordi Salvado (recit.) and Clara Garí (recit.).

May 10 – Relay 2014 – Galeria Luís Adelantado (Valencia)

Violin – Impro, with Wade Matthews (elec.), Carlos Edelmiro (no imput mixer), Josep Lluís Galiana (sax.), Avelino Saavedra (perc.), among others.

Recording of the concert released at Audiotalaia – at075 – in October 06


April 25 – Can Batlló (Barcelona)

Violin – With 44 (postrock).




November 30 – 44 Perills (Barcelona)

Violin and french horn – With 44 (postrock).


October 19 – L’Antic forn de Vallcarca (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, solo.

July 13 – nunOff Festival – Oratori de Sant Felip Neri (Barcelona)

Violin – With Wholegroup Play (soundpainting).


July 11 – El Lavadero (Barcelona)

Violin – Impro, with Owen Kilfeather (el. guit.).

June 30 – Escola Pelegrí (Barcelona).

Violin – With Wholegroup Play and Walter Thompson (soundpainting).


April 13 – Auditori Josep Carreras (Vilaseca).

Violin – With Wholegroup Play (soundpainting).




Desember 19 – Paraninf de la UB (Barcelona)

Objects – “Inlets” and “Variations II” by John Cage, with students from the UB Sound Art Master.


November 16 – 4º ciclo de música experimental La Justa Entropía – Convent de Sant Agustí (Barcelona).

Violin, french horn and audiomulch – Impro, with Otra Carpeta (Carlos Edelmiro) (no imput mixer).

October 15 – Auditori de Castellbisbal (Castellbisbal).

Violin – With Wholegroup Play and Walter Thompson (soundpainting).



Member of the “Gamelan der Musik-Akademie” (Gangsa Pemade player in Gamelan Gong Kebyar) – Basel





March – Orquestration of "Patumada", for solo piano and concert band by Marco Mezquida, premiered May 4th in Manresa.



December – Composition of the soundtrack for Pictle AI for Fuego Camina Conmigo

Orquestration of "Talaiot", piano concerto by Marco Mezquida, premiered March 25 2023 at "Palau de la Música" in Barcelona. 


August – Composition of incidental music for Ivan Andrade's play "Big Bang", premiered September 6 at the festival "Píndoles" in Barcelona. 

June 25 – Recording synthesizers for Shamanic Ritual's album "Revelation", released November 14, 2022.



April-May – Recording synthesizers for Shamanic Ritual's album "God's Mistake", realeased July 8. 

Composition of the music for the teaser of the documentary "Or vermell" by Carme Gomila.


November – Excerpts of "Ring the Change" used in UOC's promotional video "25N cada dia, la UOC cuida!", by Carme Gomila.

Violin and synths for Meandering Tear – Time Circled into a Tone (independent vinyl release)


Collaboration with Joventuts Musicals de Maó to score the unreleased theater show “Apocalipsi” by Anselm Serra.



Article "Espacios del Sonido" for the editorial collection "Palas y las Musas: diálogos entre la ciencia y el arte" published by UNAM.

February – Composer taking part in the UER contest “Palma Ars Acústica” representing the radio station Catalunya Música.




December – Music and sound design for the theater piece “4:48 Psychosis” by Sarah Kane (dir.: Antonio Curcio) – Sala Fénix (Barcelona)


April – Composition of four pieces for the ballet “Darwin i la dansa de la vida” – Teatre Principal (Maó)





Setember – Masterclass with Héctor Parra and Workshop with Frank Wörner at Mixtur Festival – Barcelona

2017 - 2020     

Training Course (CFGS) in sound for audiovisuals and live shows (Emav, Barcelona)



Setember 21 - October 10 – Residency at L’Estruch (Sabadell)



July – Masterclass with Richard Barrett and Workshop with Schreck Ensemble at Sirga Festival – Flix



July – Improviser taking part in the Soundpainting Think Tank – Can Font (Medinyà, Girona)

2012 – 2013

Master in Sound Art – Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona)


Soundpainting initiation course with Xalom Cucurella (Castellbisbal)



June – Gamelan initiation course with Jordi Casadevall – Museu de la Música de Barcelona (Barcelona).

2008 – 2009


Composition course with Georg Friedrich Haas (Erasmus) – Akademie der Stadt Basel (Basel)



April – Composer taking part in the 7th “Recontres Internationales de Composition Musicale de Cergy-Pontoise” – Cergy-Pontoise (Paris).

2005 – 2010

Composition degree with Bernat Vivancos, Lasse Thoresen and Daniel Teruggi – ESMUC (Barcelona)





April 12 – cmntx records

Apply Triangle – Oxalis Triangularis vol. 3

Tangents from Certainty, by Apply Triangle.



March 24 – Score follower (Youtube channel)

L'alè dels estels


March 25 – Discordian Records

Francesc Llompart – Insect Politics

Insect Politics, Hrönir and Zipf!, by various musicians.


August 20 – Dadiminauke

Francesc Llompart / Sebastián Vidal – Outside of Now

Three Strangers Melting Outside of Time



November 07 – Discordian Records

Discordian Community Ensemble – Contrast/Movement

140IBUs, by Discordian Community Ensemble.



July 07 – La Justa Entropía

Recopilatorio #6

Unearthed Utterance




December 15 – Discordian Records

Discordian Community Ensemble – Desierto Impecable Vol. 1

56 Huskies, by Discordian Community Ensemble




GL 717-12

La música de cámara para saxofón bajo el prisma de los compositores mediterráneos

Unser Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt, by Aula de Càmera del Conservatori Professional de Música de Menorca.




FCEC 001

Premis Catalunya de Composició Coral 2008 Vol.4

Enamorat i Al·lota, by Cor de cambra de la diputació de girona (dir.: Pablo Larraz)

Sa Nuvia d’Algendar, by Coral Sant Jordi (dir.: Lluís Vila)






3rd Ise-Shima International Composition Competition (special prize)

L'alè dels estels


Ise-Shima International Composition Competition (special prize)

Horizon of Memory


Sound Silence Thought International Composition Competition for Electronic & Electroacoustic Masters Vol. I

De​ temperatures i ordres


Premi de Composició Coral de la Federació Catalana d’Entitats Corals en la categoría d’harmonització de cançons tradicionals dels països catalans

Enamorat i Al·lota

Sa Nuvia d’Algendar

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